Wednesday, January 7, 2009

How to Cope with Infertility Related Stress

The psychological stress of dealing with infertility is extremely overwhelming. Added to the stress is the well-meant but unwanted advice from family and friends and the financial havoc that fertility treatment wrecks on your budget. Missing out on the experience of having a biological child leads to intense frustration, putting tremendous stress on marital relationships. Feelings of anger and jealousy persist, on the unfairness of parenthood coming so easily to others.

Infertility treatment itself is a very precarious process intercepted with dramatic emotional swings knowing that there is nothing that can be done to guarantee that treatments will work. Since infertility is defined as a condition that sets in after trying to conceive for 12 months or more, those confronting it may already be drained emotionally. A devastating sense of sadness coupled with shock sets in when recurrent pregnancy checks turn in negative. The anguish of putting up with continual cycle failures creates great aggravation.

It is far from easy to cope with infertility when the world around you is filled with expectant parents. However it is important to ensure that infertility does not take over your life. Here are a few tips on how to cope with and manage the rollercoaster of emotions that infertility brings about:

Give a voice to your feelings: It actually takes more mental energy to hold your feelings back than to express them. Allow yourself to feel the sadness, anger and frustration by letting out your pent-up emotions. If a friend’s pregnancy affects you, go ahead and wail out your despair rather than try to quell what you truly feel. You have the right to distance yourself a little from their excitement if it's too painful for you. Likewise it is perfectly normal to opt out of attending baby showers and children's birthday parties if you anticipate that they will be painful experiences. Prioritize invitations to reduce stress.

Look for support: Professional counseling groups, online forums and even friends prove to be of great support and help in coping with infertility. Sometimes just knowing other people are in related situations helps.

Read up on the subject: Widen your knowledge about the latest infertility treatment options and also about alternatives like adoption and surrogacy. This will help you feel more in control of the situation.

Take a break: Leave the pressures of infertility behind and go on a vacation. Many couples get a chance to rediscover and strengthen their fragile relationship when they get away from it all.

Consider professional help: get reliable, professional advice and help from a reputable source. Due to the emotional stress of infertility, some fertility clinics insist that their patients seek counseling before and during treatment. Fertility clinics have in-house therapists who teach coping skills and strategies to alleviate some of the depression and anxiety faced by couples.

Physical Ways to Reduce Infertility Stress

  • Maintain a good diet and an exercise routine in consultation with your gynecologist.
  • Limit your intake of caffeine found in foods like coffee, tea, and chocolate.
  • Get adequate sleep.
  • Learn relaxation techniques such as yoga, medication and breathing exercises.
  • Continue doing the activities you enjoy.

Going in for Infertility Treatment

The good news is that well over half of couples that seek infertility treatment conceive. Medical advances in fertility treatment options today are leaps and bounds ahead of what was available a generation ago. Seek an infertility specialist who will make you feel comfortable and who will give you the best options keeping your interest in mind. Choosing the right fertility clinic will make the entire process a bit easier to bear and hopefully increase success rate of treatment.

East Bay Fertility Center located in Dublin, California is well equipped with the latest technology and offers the most comprehensive consultation available in the field of Reproductive Endocrinology. The Center is headed by Dr. Ellen U. Snowden a Board Certified Reproductive Endocrinologist and offers a complete mind-body experience for couples with fertility issues. A former infertility patient herself, Dr. Snowden brings to her patients a rare and valuable firsthand empathy for the personal pain and emotional stress of dealing with infertility.

Being Positive but Practical

It is important to ensure that your self-esteem and outlook towards life remains positive while dealing with the emotional ups and downs of infertility treatment. But remain realistic about the situation. Don’t get pushed to a corner while facing the uncertainty about treatment outcomes and learn to say 'enough is enough’ when you may find yourselves having to accept that conception is not going to happen. It is then necessary if you so desire, to choose another option, such as adoption or opt for child-free living.

For all your fertility related queries and concerns log on to

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