Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Positive Attitude during Infertility Treatment

Infertility treatment is a precarious process intercepted with dramatic emotional swings knowing that there is nothing that can be done to guarantee that treatments will work. Since infertility is defined as a condition that sets in after trying to conceive for 12 months or more, those confronting it may already be drained emotionally. A sense of sadness coupled with shock sets in when recurrent pregnancy checks turn in negative. The anguish of putting up with continual cycle failures creates great aggravation. It is important however to ensure that infertility does not take over your life. Ensure that your self-esteem and outlook towards life remains positive while dealing with the emotional ups and downs of infertility treatment.

How do people manage to stay positive while facing fertility challenges? The answer lies in positive thought processes. You will feel miserable if you view your life as worthless without a child. But a positive frame of mind makes you feel that your life will be nicer once a baby enters your family sphere even if you have to undergo difficulties to conceive. It all boils down to the half-empty versus the half-full view of life.

Positive thinking decreases stress levels and the risk of depression, which in turn increases odds of becoming pregnant. Often, getting pregnant with IVF is just a matter of time. Just because you did not conceive in the first cycle does not mean you won’t conceive in the second cycle.

Feelings of anxiety and depression are common emotions experienced during infertility treatment. Letting go of negative feelings by talking to a close relative, friends or a support group will help in generating positive thoughts and feelings. Using positive affirmations and visualizations also help. Block out negative thoughts by repeating positive statements like “I can have a baby”, “I am doing everything I can to have a baby" or “I am a healthy, fertile woman.” Visualization involves picturing a happy outcome like the baby growing within you or how you will look with a big tummy. Finally, act on what you have control on, for instance your weight, giving up on cigarettes and alcohol. Don’t dwell too long on what is beyond your control.

Support groups foster positive feelings and inspire hope in those suffering from infertility or have endured pregnancy loss. On joining infertility support groups, members get support on issues such as adoption options, becoming foster parents and obtain up to date knowledge about the latest treatment options all of which propel them back into a positive frame of mind. Create a support network of those closest to you—and don’t be afraid to lean on them during this trying time.

Maintaining a positive frame of mind during infertility treatment is easier said than done. It requires tremendous courage and conviction not to give in to despair. However, if fertility treatment is the route you need to take to realize your dream of having a baby, go ahead with an open mind and a willingness to give it a try.

East Bay Fertility Center located in Dublin, California is well equipped with the latest technology and offers the most comprehensive consultation available in the field of Reproductive Endocrinology. The Center is headed by Dr. Ellen U. Snowden a Board Certified Reproductive Endocrinologist and offers a complete mind-body experience for couples with fertility issues. A former infertility patient herself, Dr. Snowden brings to her patients a rare and valuable firsthand empathy for the personal pain and emotional stress of dealing with infertility.

The Gestational Surrogacy option in Infertility Treatment

Gestational surrogacy is the most popular type of commercial surrogacy in the United States. It is an option if the female partner has viable eggs, but does not have a normal uterus or can’t carry a baby for other medical reasons. Gestational surrogacy is done via In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), where a surrogate carries embryos that have been created from the eggs of the baby's intended mother and sperm of the intended father. In cases where the intended parents are unable to produce the necessary sperm or eggs, a donor may be used.

Under the gestational surrogacy option, the female partner will not have any genetic contribution to the pregnancy and neither will she get to carry or deliver the baby. On the other hand, the gestational surrogate mother is in no way biologically related to the baby or surrogate babies she carries. She is merely the carrier of someone else's biological child. In fact surrogacy is a sacrifice for the surrogate mother because when the child is born, the carrier will turn the baby over to the intended parents, signing away her parental rights.

In gestational surrogacy, surrogate mothers are required to go through an extensive medical protocol in preparation of an embryo transfer, as well as to sustain the surrogate pregnancy. This could involve hormonal medication taken orally, vaginally, or through injections.

A gestational surrogate should have had at least one successful pregnancy and child birth, is between the ages of 21 and 35 (preferably less than 40), is a non-smoker, lives in a stable household, has reliable transportation and is not receiving state financial assistance.

The different stages of a gestational surrogacy process can be explained thus:
1. The surrogate chosen is thoroughly screened for infectious diseases.

2. She undergoes at least one session with a Psychologist/Counselor.

3. The most important step in surrogacy is that all potential issues need to be carefully clarified, put in writing, signed, and understood by all parties prior to initiation of the process. This should be done with the help of an experienced lawyer or agency.

4. The patient is stimulated with medications for egg development.

5. The surrogate is placed on medications that suppress her own menstrual cycle and stimulate development of a receptive uterine lining.

6. When the patient's follicles are mature, an egg retrieval procedure is performed to remove the eggs from her ovaries. The eggs are then fertilized in the laboratory with her partner's sperm.

7. The embryos developed are then transferred to the surrogate's uterus where they will hopefully implant and develop to result in a live birth.

8. The baby goes home from the hospital with the genetic parents.
Gestational surrogacy is sometimes the only way in which a couple can have a biological child. The increased legal benefits of gestational surrogacy and lack of a genetic bond are strong selling points for the intended parents and surrogates who choose this route.

At East Bay Fertility Center, Dublin, California, Dr. Ellen U. Snowden, Medical Director and physician and her highly qualified team help infertile couples realize the dream of having a family through the latest technology and most comprehensive consultation in the field of Reproductive Endocrinology. EBFC’s gestational surrogacy program is based on personalized care and support, every step of the way. EBFC only works with surrogates who come from a reputable agency or who are very closely connected (friend or relative) to the patients.

Hypothyroidism – Can it impact fertility?

Sometimes infertility is caused by a condition of the thyroid known as hypothyroidism. Both men and women need to have enough thyroid hormone for a successful pregnancy. Thyroid secretion is essential not only for egg fertilization and development, but also for sperm production. Hypothyroidism along with infertility in a male causes low sperm count or the reduction of the sperm's lifespan. If a woman does not treat a thyroid problem, she is more likely to have a higher chance of miscarriage.

This tiny gland at the base of the neck can cause serious health complications if it is over or under active. Hypothyroidism can cause decreased sex drive, menstrual irregularities, failure to ovulate, miscarriage, premature childbirth and preeclampsia. For women, treating hypothyroidism is an important part of any effort to correct infertility. In fact many younger women with hypothyroidism become aware of this condition for the first time during a fertility evaluation.

Women who have been trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant for more than a year, have irregular menstrual cycles, or have had more than two miscarriages should talk to their doctors about screening for possible thyroid issues. A family history of thyroid disease is another reason to test.

How hypothyroidism influences fertility

Thyroid dysfunction can shorten the length of the luteal phase that leads to heightened risk of miscarriage early on in pregnancy. Decreased thyroid hormone causes low levels of progesterone. This inhibits thickening of the uterine wall, preventing the embryo from attaching. Some women with hypothyroidism also have polycystic ovaries or cysts on the ovaries which hamper ovulation and can cause fertility problems.

Symptoms and treatment

Fatigue and weight gain, irritability, quick heart beat, depression, irregular menstrual cycles, sensitivity to cold, and dry skin are all symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Treatment with oral thyroid hormone supplements will often correct the hypothyroidism and results in a return to normal ovulation and regular menstrual cycles.

For a woman having difficulty becoming pregnant and facing irregular menstruation, a simple blood test to check thyroid gland function is an important part of infertility evaluation during the very first check. An underactive thyroid gland can be easily treated with thyroid hormone replacement therapy.

Women who are pregnant or who desire to start a family need to start thyroid hormone therapy if they have a borderline thyroid function. This is to maintain a thyroid hormone level within high normal range during pregnancy. Uncontrolled hypothyroidism in pregnant women is likely to have long-term effects on the children they bear.The mother is the only source of thyroid hormones for the baby until the baby’s thyroid gland becomes fully functional after around 12 weeks of pregnancy. Hence a woman is at an increased risk of miscarriage, and the baby is at increased risk of developmental problems if she lacks sufficient thyroid hormones.

The good news is that most women with thyroid disease are able to have an uneventful pregnancy and healthy baby. East Bay Fertility Center California, offers a wide range of infertility treatments along with expert medical counseling to couples facing difficulty in conceiving. Under the guidance of Dr. Ellen U. Snowden, Medical Director and Reproductive Endocrinologist, medical staff at East Bay provides dedicated treatment for infertility and reproductive endocrine issues. Testing for thyroid dysfunction is a part of the basic infertility evaluation at the Center. With the right type of treatment and intervention, the Center assists couples who have been having problems conceiving to overcome those difficulties in the shortest possible time in order to realize their dreams of having a healthy baby. Call 925.828.9235 for a free initial consultation.