Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Testosterone Testing during Infertility Treatment

Testosterone levels are an important factor in fertility. When infertility is suspected, testosterone testing may be recommended for both partners. It involves a blood test and in the male, the test primarily looks for a lower than normal level of testosterone since sufficient testosterone is absolutely critical for normal sperm production. A testosterone test may be used to see whether a problem with the testicles or pituitary gland is preventing a man from being able to father a child. If the testosterone level is abnormal that could also be the reason for erectile dysfunction. Low testosterone may be caused by an underlying hormonal problem such as a pituitary problem, a disease affecting the testes, or physical damage to the testes. Damage may be caused by physical injury, chronic alcohol abuse or a history of mumps.

Testosterone Testing in Women
Testosterone was once considered an exclusively male hormone; but research over the past decade has shown that this hormone also plays a crucial role in women's physical and psychological health. Endocrine abnormalities like increased testosterone levels are factors that affect female fertility.

A blood test to determine testosterone levels is recommended if a woman has irregular periods or none at all. Most of the testosterone in the blood is bound to a protein called sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). Obesity or hyperthyroidism could lead to increased SHBG levels and therefore, "Free" testosterone may be checked when such conditions are present.

Testosterone and Infertility
Testosterone has an indirect impact on female fertility and female testosterone levels can be an indication for certain conditions that can cause female infertility. High testosterone caused by low estrogen or by ovarian cancer in females may be the root cause for many infertility related issues. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is another possible cause. Another symptom is anovulation (not producing mature egg cells), which leads to infertility. High testosterone does not cause infertility, but testosterone levels can rise in women because of tumors that develop in the ovaries or PCOS.

East Bay Fertility Center California, offers a wide range of infertility treatments along with expert medical counseling to couples facing difficulty in conceiving. Under the guidance of Dr. Ellen U. Snowden, Medical Director and Reproductive Endocrinologist, medical staff at East Bay provides dedicated treatment for infertility and reproductive endocrine issues. With the right type of treatment and intervention, the Center assists couples who have been having problems conceiving to overcome those difficulties in the shortest possible time in order to realize their dreams of having a healthy baby. Call 925.828.9235 for a free initial consultation.

Endometrial Biopsy during Infertility Investigation

In the course of infertility assessment, an endometrial biopsy is one diagnostic tool used to investigate hormonal imbalances that can lead to irregular cycles, frequent miscarriages, or even irregular uterine bleeding. It is indicated when diseases of the endometrium are suspected to be the cause of the infertility and also to find out how ready the endometrium is to accept the implantation of an embryo. The test analyzes whether the lining of a woman’s uterus can support a pregnancy. During an endometrial biopsy a soft, straw-like device (pipelle) or any other pliable instrument is used to suction a small sample of lining from the uterus. The endometrial lining is then analyzed in a lab for abnormal cells.

Problems with the endometrium are called “luteal phase defect", which is a hormonal disorder. An endometrial biopsy checks to see if the endometrium can support implantation and growth of a fertilized egg. The entire procedure takes less than 10 minutes and is far less invasive than a hysteroscopic procedure. The biopsy is usually done about three days before the start of the period. Prior to the biopsy, if a pregnancy is suspected, a pregnancy test must be done to rule out this possibility.

Endometrial biopsy and Infertility
In women with infertility issues, it is very important to know what causes this infertility. The outcome of an endometrial biopsy may determine whether there exists a progesterone deficiency, an estrogen deficiency, or a luteinizing hormone (LH) deficiency. Depending on the hormonal imbalance, a hormone supplement or a prescription drug may be recommended. The test can also be used to check for infection and if this is discovered, a D&C may be needed and/or treatment with antibiotics.

Thus an endometrial biopsy is sometimes necessary to determine the cause of infertility and in some cases the infertility can be reversed. This is a useful tool to detect hormone imbalance that may be the cause of infertility and the doctor will usually prescribe progesterone to relieve it. Thus by performing the simple endometrial biopsy for infertility, a couple may have well taken the first step towards having a child.

East Bay fertility clinic specializes in the comprehensive evaluation and treatment of infertility. Their experienced medical staff is headed by Dr. Ellen U. Snowden, Medical Director and physician. Dr Snowden is Board Certified in Obstetric, Gynecology, and Reproductive Endocrinology with advanced Fellowship training in the treatment of infertility, recurrent miscarriages and hormonal disorders in women. A former infertility patient herself, Dr. Snowden brings to her patients a rare and valuable firsthand empathy for the personal pain and emotional stress of dealing with infertility. Call 925.828.9235 for a free initial consultation.

Dealing with High-FSH levels and Pregnancy

Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) stimulates the female ovaries to produce a mature egg for fertilization. By measuring a woman's FSH levels, doctors get an indication of the quantity of the woman’s eggs remaining as well as her chances of having a successful pregnancy. Eggs are not replaceable as a woman is born with all of the eggs she will ever have. As she ages, the quality and quantity of the eggs decreases.

Declining ovarian function is indicated by an elevation of FSH levels. Increased levels are seen in primary or premature ovarian failure, sometimes referred to as early menopause. FSH levels are usually checked around cycle day three. The tests may show a rise or fall in FSH levels over a couple of months. A rise is an indication of a problem with a woman’s ovarian egg supply, leading to difficulties in treating infertility. This however does not mean that a woman with high FSH levels cannot get pregnant. Checking FSH levels assists in deciding upon treatment options. Along with FSH level, Estradiol levels are also tested since they are indicators of ovarian reserve.

By measuring the amount of FSH, doctors can suggest specific treatments (such as in-vitro fertilization or intrauterine insemination) that could maximize the chances of becoming pregnant. Assisted hatching in IVF is also an option for women with elevated basal FSH levels who may also have a thickened wall around the egg called the zona.

Can FSH Levels be lowered?

FSH can be artificially suppressed by taking birth control pills or synthetic estrogen. However there are mixed reports whether these options are really beneficial. Research is currently underway to find a way of using stem cells to either create egg cells or to fabricate eggs using donated egg material and the woman’s DNA.

High FSH Levels – What they could mean

High FSH levels correlate with poor pregnancy rates. A normal FSH level is usually under 10, whereas an abnormal level is anything above 25. Measurements between 10 and 25 are generally considered to be borderline cases. FSH levels vary a bit across laboratories depending on which assay system is used. It’s best to retest the FSH in the new RE’s lab so that there is no confusion.

High FSH levels warrant an immediate treatment regimen since even a short delay in treatment could mean the difference between conceiving and not conceiving. This condition is also a case for considering using an egg donor.

For women, in their 20s or early 30s, high FSH may be due to immune abnormalities or an undetected infection. Sometimes the level returns to normalcy on its own. However the high FSH levels that occur in women age 38 and older are unlikely to be reversible.

East Bay fertility Center
Dublin California, specializes in the comprehensive evaluation and treatment of infertility providing a complete mind-body experience for fertility couples. East Bay’s experienced medical staff is headed by Dr. Ellen U. Snowden, Medical Director and physician. Dr Snowden is Board Certified in Obstetric, Gynecology, and Reproductive Endocrinology with advanced Fellowship training in the treatment of infertility, recurrent miscarriages and hormonal disorders in women. East Bay Fertility Center conducts FSH tests in the course of infertility tests to check the ovarian egg supply and recommends the best possible course of treatment.

Call 925.828.9235 for a free initial consultation.