Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Male Infertility Treatment Options
Surveys indicate that in at least 40% of couples suffering from infertility, the male partner has the problem. Male fertility is tested through semen analysis. The lower the sperm count and the poorer the sperm quality, the more difficult it will be for pregnancy to occur.
Major Factors Affecting Sperm Production
• Low Sperm Count: The condition of the sperm count being low is known as Oligospermia that can be due to genetic defects or abnormal set of Y chromosomes, any trauma, mumps, malaria, testicular dysgenesis syndrome or other reasons.
• No Sperms: Azoospermia is the condition when there are no sperm at all in the semen sample. At East Bay Fertility Center we discuss the detailed history that may have affected the testicles.
• Infected semen: Infected semen can also cause infertility.
• Diseases such as diabetes, thyroid and other illnesses.
• Testicular Overheating because of hot tubs, hot baths, may temporarily lower sperm count.
• Tight fitting clothing, strenuous riding (bicycle riding, horseback riding), drugs and medications may cause fertility problems.
• Too much smoking also reduces both the sperm count and the sperm motility.
• Excessive alcohol intake may lead to infertility and also lower the production of sperm and of the male hormone testosterone.
• Obesity fatigue and stress has become lifestyle causes for male infertility.
At East Bay Fertility Center our fertility specialists are well trained and equipped to identify the reasons causing infertility. Under the guidance of Dr. Ellen U. Snowden, Medical director and Physician, East Bay Fertility Center has been successfully delivering a rare and valuable service-of-lifetime in dealing with personal pain and emotional stress of the patients. Factors that also contribute in lowering the fertility which can be discovered during examination are:
1. Varicocele: A network of veins carries blood away from the testicles and back up into the body. This is a condition where these veins become enlarged, twisted, and swollen. This can cause testicular dysfunction and infertility.
2. Hydrocele: The presence of excessive fluid around the testicle.
3. During physical contact and ejaculation, sometimes the sperm cannot be deposited within the vagina very easily.
Diagnosis of Infertility
The diagnosis includes the medical history and physical examination of the patient. A complete examination of the infertile male is performed at East Bay Fertility Center which is important to identify issues related with infertility.
• Sperm sample: A measured volume of the semen and number of sperm is taken as the sample for examination.
• Blood sample: A blood sample can indicate genetic causes of infertility, such as a Y chromosome defect or microdeletion, cystic fibrosis, etc.
Half of the male fertility problems can be treated. There are three major categories of treatment for male infertility that we provide at East Bay Fertility Center:
• Assisted reproduction
• Drug therapy
• Surgery
Assisted reproduction therapy is done to improve erectile dysfunction, induce ejaculation, obtain sperm, and inseminate an egg. This treatment option includes:
o Electroejaculation
o Sperm retrieval and washing
o In-vitro fertilization (IVF)
o Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
o Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT)
Electroejaculation: This procedure helps in producing ejaculation. This is useful for candidates who have neurological dysfunction and those with spinal cord injuries.
Sperm retrieval: This method is used to obtain sperm from the testes or epididymis of someone who is suffering from azoospermia.
Sperm washing: This method isolates and prepares the healthiest sperm for insemination.
In-vitro fertilization (IVF): This involves combining eggs with sperm in a laboratory, with proper fertilization conditions, and later on transferring the developed embryos to the uterus.
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI): In this method one sperm is injected directly into a retrieved mature egg using a tiny glass needle. The egg is then fertilized and transferred to the uterus.
Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT): This procedure is recommended for couples who are suffering from unexplained fertility problems. Mature eggs and prepared sperm are combined in a syringe and injected into the fallopian tube through laparoscopy.
Drug therapy: Oral medications are given to improve the sperm production, treat hormonal dysfunction, cure sperm infections and fight sperm antibodies.
Surgery for male infertility is performed to treat reproductive tract obstruction and varicocele.
East Bay Fertility Center is dedicated to providing the highest quality of care for all our patients till they are discharged with a satisfying outcome-‘a healthy baby’.
For more information on our fertility treatment options log on to
When Should One Seek Infertility Treatment?
Parenting is a beautiful phase in everybody’s life. But every couple is not lucky to have their own children. Even planning to get pregnant is not as easy as most people think as this depends on many factors.
Infertility as a problem is not only faced by older women but it is also an unfortunate truth with younger women. It’s true that as you get older, your capability of getting pregnant gradually decreases, specifically if you are over 35. But almost every infertile couple can be treated and successfully get pregnant.
East Bay Fertility Center provides all their patients a lot more than just technical expertise. We guarantee a compassionate, personalized care and support throughout the treatments. You also get a chance to consult with other specialists available on site, including a psychologist, acupuncturist and nutritionist. At East Bay Fertility Center we think of your well-being and your success in every infertility case we take up.
Who should see an Infertility Specialist?
According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), couples in which the female partner is under the age of 35, and who have not conceived after one year of unprotected intercourse, should seek the help of a specialist in the field of infertility treatment.
ASRM has also listed out conditions where couples should seek the help of an infertility specialist:
• Couples, in which the female partner is over the age of 35 is not able to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse.
• A woman has had a history of three or more miscarriages.
• Couples who have problems like endometriosis, fibroids, irregular periods, prior abortion, DES mothers, varicoceles, prior cancer treatment or about to receive chemotherapy, etc should seek help from a specialist.
• A woman who ovulates irregularly (or not at all) and has not shown any response to previous drug treatment.
• The semen analysis of a men’s semen shows a low sperm count, poor motility (movement), or poor morphology (structure).
• A couple is looking for assisted reproductive technologies, such as in-vitro fertilization (IVF) or gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT).
• A couple has "unexplained infertility”.
A couple facing any of these conditions should head straight away to an infertility specialist and get the relevant tests done. At East Bay Fertility Center, we value this precious time of your life and help achieve your dreams of becoming parents faster and with the least inconvenience, starting from the tests to the treatment.
At East Bay Fertility Center, our experienced team of doctors headed by Dr Ellen Snowden will examine potential causes of both male and female infertility. The process of treatment starts with consultation with our infertility specialist. The steps will include a semen analysis for the man. For a woman, blood tests to check levels of thyroid hormone and other hormones, a test to check for changes in the cells of the cervix or infection, and an X-ray to make sure the fallopian tubes are open are done.
With the right line of treatment and intervention, East Bay Fertility Center makes sure that couples who have been facing problems conceiving will successfully surmount the problem in the shortest possible time and realize their dreams of having a healthy baby.
For more information on our fertility treatment options log on to
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Celebrities and Fertility Treatment
Infertility is the biological inability of a man or woman to contribute towards conceiving. Like any other normal couple, celebrities also struggle with infertility problems. Some celebrities who face infertility and opt for a treatment shy away from admitting it. However, others have chosen to step out and talk about their battles with infertility. By this they inspire those women who are still confused about fertility treatment and blame themselves for their suffering. Some of America's celebrities including Hollywood biggies are among those who have undergone fertility treatment such as IVF or fertility drugs to conceive.
Infertility Treatment Options
There are several options available today that women can choose from to conceive. In-vitro fertilization is one such option. Others may consider using a surrogate who will carry the baby for them. There are also those who have opted for adoption. All these fertility solutions have been tried out by various celebrities.
Celebrities Who Opted For In-vitro Fertilization
Some of the celebrities who have opted to use in-vitro fertilization to get pregnant and deliver a healthy baby are:
- Courtney Cox-Arquette: David and Courtney Cox-Arquette have shared their battle with infertility with the public. They had a healthy, baby girl, Coco through In-Vitro Fertilization after various miscarriages.
- Marcia Cross: Of “Desperate Housewives” fame has been one of the first few celebrities who opted for in-vitro fertilization. She is now a happy mom to her in-vitro twins.
- Nicole Kidman: She faced fertility problems for a long time. She got pregnant with Tom Cruise but miscarried because of an ectopic pregnancy. Kidman then went in for fertility treatment to get pregnant with present husband Keith Urban.
- Celine Dion: She has one child as a result of in-vitro fertilization and also decided to have her eggs frozen for future implantation.
- Brooke Shields: Shields was unable to become pregnant after having pre-cancerous cells removed from her cervix. She and husband Chris Henchy decided to use IVF to conceive. Shields became pregnant but suffered a miscarriage after their first IVF cycle. They tried several more IVF cycles before the model/actress delivered a baby girl at the age of 37. The couple was able to conceive another girl naturally after three years.
Celebrities Who Opted For Surrogacy
Some of the celebrities who have opted to use a surrogate mother to carry the baby
for them are:
- Marissa Jaret Winokur: Known for “Dharma and Greg”, “Dancing with the Stars” and “Broadway (Hairspray)”, she's awaiting the birth of a baby. Being a survivor of cervical cancer
, Winokur couldn't conceive the baby on her own; so a surrogate is bringing her biological child into the world.
Kelly Klein: In happier times with Calvin Klein, Kelly wanted to have a baby. But now that she's divorced, she used a surrogate to bring that baby into the world.
Celebrities Who Opted For Adoption
Celebrities are making headlines by going in for adoption to complete their family. Madonna and Angelina Jolie are the first few who have chosen adoption. Some others who adopted include:
- Diane Keaton: She was in her fifties when she adopted a boy and a girl and decided to raise them on her own. She realized that she wasn't going to find the man she wanted to raise kids with.
- Sheryl Crow: She was forty five when she decided that she wanted to be a mom and adopted an infant.
Concluding Thoughts
Women struggle with fertility for various reasons. This holds true for celebrities also. The most prominent reason being age. Their formative years are spent chasing their dreams and they wait until their later years to get pregnant thus often have trouble conceiving. Lifestyle issues can be considered the second prevailing reason.
At East Bay Fertility Center we take care of your existing medical conditions and accordingly recommend a suitable infertility treatmenta> option providing a complete mind-body experience for fertility couples. This can be IVF, surrogacy or even adoption. Our experienced medical staff is headed by Dr. Ellen U. Snowden, Medical Director and physician. Dr Snowden is Board Certified in Obstetric, Gynecology, and Reproductive Endocrinology with advanced Fellowship training in the treatment of infertility, recurrent miscarriages and hormonal disorders in women.
Please click on the link for more details.
The Risk of Multiple Pregnancies as an Outcome of IVF Treatment
Today many multiple pregnancies are the result of fertility treatment. For couples who have been childless for long, the prospect of twins or triplets may seem ideal at first after the long wait to be parents. But the complications of multiple pregnancies are likely to affect both mother and babies in the form of maternal and fetal complications in addition to financial strains, physical exhaustion and emotional upheavals.
In-Vitro fertilization and Multiple Pregnancies
In-Vitro fertilization (IVF) itself is an overwhelming experience; add to that is the risk of multiple pregnancies. In the course of IVF, multiple pregnancy rates can be as high as 20% as compared to 2-3% multiple pregnancy risk among the general population. Out of this, approximately 2-3% results in triplets and even quadruplets. Twins are the most common outcome of a multiple pregnancy.
Data from the USA (SART 2002) regarding multiple pregnancies showed that 32% of deliveries after in-vitro fertilization were twins and 7% were triplets or more. In the United Kingdom (HFEA patient's guide 2002), 25% of deliveries after IVF were twins and 1.7% were triplets.
Why does fertility treatment increase the likelihood of having twins?
During IVF treatment usually more than one embryo is implanted to maximize the chances of a successful pregnancy. Thus multiple embryos increase the chance of a multiple pregnancy. As the frequency of multiple pregnancies radically increased, the Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority (HFEA) decided to impose a limit on how many embryos could be transferred at one go, during IVF treatment. Now the maximum embryos that could be transferred is two for women under the age of 40 and a maximum of three for women aged 40 or over who are using their own eggs.
Different countries have different rules and restrictions with regard to the number of embryos to be transferred. In the United Kingdom, in order to reduce the risk of multiple pregnancies, the HFEA (August 2001) has decided to reduce the number of embryos to be transferred from three to two. A three embryo transfer may be performed in exceptional circumstances.
The Risks of Multiple Pregnancies
While IVF is a highly effective option for couples desiring children, when considering this line of treatment, couples should have a clear understanding of the possibility of multiple pregnancies and what steps would be taken if such an event would occur. The most common complication associated with multiple births is premature birth. Twins, triplets, and other multiple-birth children are at much higher risk of premature or low birth weight apart from a host of other health challenges. There is also a greater risk of birth related complications or even miscarriage. The other medical conditions that are likely to occur during a multiple pregnancy include gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and fetal growth problems.
Because of these concerns, couples considering infertility treatment need to not just evaluate the overall ‘success’ rate of a fertility clinic when deciding where to go for treatment but also take into account the clinic’s rate of twin and triplet births into consideration. It’s also pertinent to locate the most suitable health care professionals who have experience with multiple births. As multiple pregnancies are regarded as high-risk, the need for specialized health care becomes vital to ensure the well-being of mother and babies.
East Bay fertility clinic specializes in the comprehensive evaluation and treatment of infertility, providing a complete mind-body experience for fertility couples. We encourage couples to undergo intensive counseling on the possibilities and risks associated with multiple births.
Our experienced medical staff is headed by Dr. Ellen U. Snowden, Medical Director and physician. Dr Snowden is Board Certified in Obstetric, Gynecology, and Reproductive Endocrinology with advanced Fellowship training in the treatment of infertility, recurrent miscarriages and hormonal disorders in women. A former infertility patient herself, Dr. Snowden brings to her patients a rare and valuable firsthand empathy for the personal pain and emotional stress of dealing with infertility.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Fertility Doctor
Eva Ulehlova
IVF Laboratory Director and Senior Embryologist
Eva Ulehlova, MS, ELD(ABB), TS, CLS has more than 17 years of hands-on IVF Laboratory experience in the San Francisco Bay Area including ICSI, blastocyst culture, embryo cryopreservation, testicular biopsy and other andrology services. Eva is experienced in laboratory set-up and management, CAP certification and IVF laboratory compliance, CA Tissue Bank and FDA regulations, laboratory personnel management, mentoring and training.
Eva completed a Master's Degree in Clinical Laboratory Sciences at SFSU where her thesis topic investigated various cryopreservation protocols for human embryo freezing. Eva is a board certified Embryology Laboratory Director (ABB), Technical Supervisor (ABB) and Clinical Laboratory Scientist (CA, ASCP). Eva is a member of American Board of Bioanalysts (1996), American Society of Reproductive Medicine (1994), European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (1997) and is certified by College of American Pathologists as a reproductive laboratory inspector (1998).
Eva prides herself in her high quality work ethics that deliver meticulous and accurate results. Due to her unwavering commitment to her work, she plays an integral part as a team player within the clinic by keeping the success rates among the best in the country.
Eva is currently working in Fertility Treatment Center
Nurse Practitioner
Clinical Manager
Jodie Sandhu is a Nurse Practitioner, graduate of Stanford University, who has been in Women's Health for the last five years. Jodie holds a dual degree as a Nurse Practitioner and Physician Assistant. She has been in the nursing field for the last 13 years providing hands-on care to patients. During this time, Jodie has gained skills working in hospitals, emergency rooms, nursing care homes, community clinics, and family practice centers. Her role in Women's Health is one that is very proactive and supportive. She practices independence of decisions, focuses on educating the patient, and helps women realize their strengths in improving their well-being.
Jodie works with Dr. Snowden in her role as a Clinical Manager, to enhance the patient's personal experience with infertility. She guides patients from beginning to end, acting as a coordinator and nurturing patients in every way. Her goal is to provide patients with resources, strength, comfort, and success in this journey. Jodie is fluent in Spanish, Punjabi, and Hindi.
East Bay Fertility Center
Fertility Specialist
Board Certified Reproductive Endocrinologist
Medical Director of East Bay Fertility Center
Dr. Ellen U. Snowden, Medical Director and physician for the East Bay Fertility Center, directs all patient services performed by nurse practitioner, nurses, medical assistants and office staff. Dr. Snowden is Board Certified in Obstetric, Gynecology, and Reproductive Endocrinology with advanced Fellowship training in the treatment of infertility, recurrent miscarriages and hormonal disorders in women. A former infertility patient herself, Dr. Snowden brings to her patients a rare and valuable firsthand empathy for the personal pain and emotional stress of dealing with infertility. Dr. Snowden's extensive training includes a four-year Obstetrics and Gynecology residency at Michael Reese Hospital under the supervision of Dr. Antonio Scommegna, a pioneer in Reproductive Endocrinology. Her post-graduate Fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility was completed at the University of Illinois. Dr. Snowden began her professional career treating patients for infertility in Chicago over 20 years ago. Before founding East Bay Fertility Center, she served as Medical Director of The Sher Institute for Reproductive Medicine in Sacramento. Dr. Snowden also served as Medical Director of Pacific Fertility Center. Other positions have included Director of Women's Services at the Center for Human Reproduction in Chicago, Assistant Professor of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology at Northwestern University, and Instructor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Illinois. Staff privileges in California have included Mercy Hospitals and Sutter Hospitals.
Dr. Snowden is actively engaged in on-going research in infertility and has published articles in the field.
Dr. Snowden is associated with more than a dozen professional societies, including The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) and The Society for Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (SREI).
Fertility Center Treatment