Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Infertility Support Groups

For couples dealing with infertility, it is extremely important to connect with other people who understand exactly what they are going through. Family and friends at best can only offer solace. Infertility support groups provide the link to interact with others who are dealing with similar challenges and medical conditions. The emotional and physical strains that the infertility treatment process brings about and the anguish of putting up with continual cycle failures are extremely overwhelming for couples.

Professional counseling groups and online infertility forums prove to be of great support and help in coping with infertility. Sometimes just knowing other people are in related situations helps. Infertility support groups can be either a local group that meets at regular intervals or an online forum offering a channel to express concerns and get information from others in a similar situation.

How Can Infertility Support Groups Help?

• Support groups foster positive feelings and inspire hope in those suffering from infertility or have endured pregnancy loss
• They provide members with resources and information about different fertility treatment options
• These support groups help foster long-lasting friendships with like minded people who can offer emotional support and comfort
• They guide you on how to cope with infertility and provide a safe environment to talk
• Members are able to discuss their experiences more openly and freely with other individuals.

There are numerous online fertility support groups providing support and encouragement to those struggling to cope with infertility related issues. Many online support groups also conduct workshops and classes and occasionally have group meetings.

Infertility support groups are ideal for both primary and secondary infertility cases as well as those who have the hope that some day they will experience parenthood. Members get support on issues such as adoption options, becoming foster parents and getting up to date knowledge about the latest treatment options all of which propel them back into a positive frame of mind.

You are not alone!

There are hundreds of different infertility support groups to guide couples through their infertility journey. Many are run by trained social workers while others are run by people who have themselves been diagnosed with infertility. Local health care practitioners and infertility specialists are useful resources to locate a good support group. It also helps to check online and to check the hospital bulletin boards and the local press.

It is crucial that infertility issues are addressed on time or they may leave couples feeling utterly worthless and cast a shadow over their self-esteem and confidence. Infertility support groups are an important part of the healing process for individuals and couples coming to terms with their condition. Most support groups are run by people with a genuine desire to help ease through this difficult time and get on with life, offering hope that some day, pregnancy will become reality.

East Bay Fertility Center (www.ebfertility.com) located in Dublin, California is well equipped with the latest infertility treatment options and offers comprehensive consultation in the field of Reproductive Endocrinology. The Center is headed by Dr. Ellen U. Snowden a Board Certified Reproductive Endocrinologist and offers a complete mind-body experience for couples with fertility issues. A former infertility patient herself, Dr. Snowden brings to her patients a rare and valuable firsthand empathy for the personal pain and emotional stress of dealing with infertility.

To learn more about East Bay’s infertility treatment options and counseling sessions, please log on to http://ebfertility.com/Infertility_Counseling.html

Unexplained Infertility

Unexplained infertility is a fairly common medical condition which indicates a failure to determine a credible underlying cause of infertility despite a thorough evaluation of both the male and female partner. Knowing that you’re infertile is tough enough, but not knowing the underlying cause for the problem can be extremely painful to reconcile with.

The diagnosis of unexplained infertility is a difficult process involving a series of exclusion and elimination based on a large number of infertility tests making it an extremely frustrating experience.

Doctors are now of the opinion that unexplained infertility is probably caused by a small problem in each partner, affecting the chances of getting pregnant. These problems are so subtle that they don’t show up on current tests. This means that a clinical problem exists but the probable cause for this problem remains elusive.

Possible Factors Leading to Unexplained Infertility

Abnormal fallopian tubes
Abnormal eggs
Prematurely Aging Ovaries Syndrome
Weak sperm
Immune System Problems
Emotional Distress

Possible Treatment Options for Unexplained Infertility

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) – Under this assisted reproductive technology, the fertilization process is initiated by collecting sperm from the male partner and releasing it into the female partner’s uterus.

In-vitro Fertilization (IVF) – This process is followed for women who have faulty fallopian tubes or ovaries. The process involves placing the egg and the sperm in a dish and once fertilized, the embryo is placed into the woman’s uterus.

Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation - Intrauterine insemination in conjunction with controlled ovarian hyperstimulation is often used as first-line treatment for couples with unexplained infertility. The treatment involves using drugs to make the woman's ovaries produce eggs and inserting her partner's sperm directly into her womb.

For those grappling with a diagnosis of unexplained infertility, the good news is that medical science has made great inroads in cutting down the incidence of this condition. On-going research is tipped to further reduce the incidence of unexplained fertility in the coming years. Moreover studies reveal that very often such couples conceive naturally over a three year period.

East Bay fertility Center, Dublin, California, (www.ebfertility.com) specializes in the comprehensive evaluation and treatment of infertility, providing a complete mind-body experience for fertility couples. At East Bay, our reproductive endocrinologists conduct a detailed review of the entire infertility evaluation when couples approach us with a prior diagnosis of unexplained fertility. This can sometimes reveal an error made in either testing or interpretation in which case we recommend further investigation into questionable fertility factors. Treatment options are pursued based on all known parameters and the preferences of the couple.

East Bay’s experienced medical staff is headed by Dr. Ellen U. Snowden, Medical Director and physician. Dr Snowden is Board Certified in Obstetric, Gynecology, and Reproductive Endocrinology with advanced Fellowship training in the treatment of infertility, recurrent miscarriages and hormonal disorders in women. Call us at 925.828.9235 for a free initial consultation.

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection for Infertility Treatment

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection, or ICSI, is used to treat couples who have fertilization issues if the male partner has very low sperm count, low sperm motility or poor-quality sperm. ICSI is used to enhance the fertilization phase of in-vitro fertilization (IVF), giving couples a better chance of achieving conception. ICSI may also be used to treat a condition called azoospermia, which is the complete absence of sperm in the man's ejaculate. In such a scenario, Epididymal Sperm Aspiration and Testicular Sperm Extraction (TESE) may be used to obtain sperm from the male's reproductive tract. These sperm are then used in conjunction with IVF and ICSI.

The ICSI Process

The first step in ICSI involves selecting a normal-appearing sperm for injection into a mature egg. The woman is given fertility drugs to stimulate her ovaries to develop several mature eggs for fertilization. Once the eggs are ready, the sperm is inserted into the egg using a micropipet. The eggs and the sperm are fertilized in the laboratory. If fertilization occurs after ICSI, the embryo may then be transferred into the uterus on either Day 2, 3 or 5 of embryo development. The number of embryos to be transferred will vary depending on age, quality and prior experience with IVF. Extra embryos, if there are any, may be frozen in case this cycle isn't successful or can be used for a future pregnancy. Around two weeks later, the woman can take a pregnancy test.

The Genetic Issue in ICSI

Doctors advise men who have little or no sperm in their semen to conduct genetic testing before the ICSI procedure. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection carries with it a small probability of bringing about genetic risks. Although the likelihood of congenital malformations in children conceived with ICSI is marginally low, it is nevertheless important to share this information with couples opting for ICSI. Some genetic disorders can be identified with specialized testing before an embryo is transferred. Therefore, couples are advised to consider genetic counseling to learn their potential for having a child with birth defects.

With increasing number of clinics opting for ICSI, the clinical pregnancy rates for ICSI is much higher than those achieved using conventional IVF methods. This technique has opened the doors of parenthood to many couples who were confronted with male infertility issues. ICSI has revolutionized treatment for severe male factor infertility since the procedure requires only one healthy sperm to potentially achieve fertilization.

East Bay Fertility Center (www.ebfertility.com), California, offers a wide range of infertility treatments along with expert medical counseling to couples facing difficulty in conceiving. Under the guidance of Dr. Ellen U. Snowden, Medical Director and physician, medical staff at East Bay provides dedicated treatment for infertility and reproductive endocrine issues. East Bay Fertility Center specializes in providing infertility treatments such as in-vitro fertilization, insemination, Intracytoplasmic sperm injection, egg donation and gestational surrogacy.

With the right type of treatment and intervention, East Bay Fertility Center assists couples who have been having problems conceiving to overcome those difficulties in the shortest possible time in order to realize their dreams of having a healthy baby.

Call us at 925.828.9235 for a free initial consultation or visit our website at www.ebfertility.com for more details about infertility treatments and more.